蓝花旗饭店是2013年强势入驻涪陵的一家大型餐饮企业,浓郁的美国文化,低调奢华的装修,好莱坞梦幻般的舞台设计。鲜花植物装点的露台可提供时尚的户外婚礼场地。整个饭店可容纳1600人同时进餐。2014年获重庆市“最佳婚寿宴饭店”称号, 2015年成功申报国家五钻级饭店。
Blue flower flag hotel is 2013 strong enterprises in fuling, a large catering enterprises, american culture,ow-key luxury decoration, Hollywood dream stage design. flowers plant deck terrace can providefashionable outdoor wedding venue. the whole restaurant can accommodate 1600 people dining . In2014 was awarded as "best hotel wedding banquet menu" in chongging, 2015 declared national gradefive diamond hotel.
Low-key luxury decoration style, theenvironment of the dining room is spacious andbright, bring you different experience of life, inhere, you can taste the master chefs carefullycooked delicious food for you